[September 20, 2023] Adam Orton and Rob Merritt stop by EDI to preview their new Iowa-made "In the Silence" movie premiering Wednesday, September 21.


Rob Merritt (left) and Rachel Korach Howell, portraying a grieving couple whose son has died, are filming on location for "In the Silence." Written by Merritt and directed by Adam Orton, both of Cedar Rapids, the film will premiere Wednesday, Sept. 20, at Collins Road Theatres in Marion. (Courtesy of Adam Orton)

Director and cinematographer Adam Orton (right) films a nighttime scene in rural Mount Vernon with actors Rachel Korach Howell (left) and Rob Merritt for "In the Silence." The indie film will premiere Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2023, at Collins Road Theatres in Marion. (Courtesy of Adam Orton)

[September 14, 2023]

'In the Silence' to premier at Collins Road Theatres

Indie dramatic thriller shot on Eastern Iowa locations

In this movie, the silence represents the supernatural world and where we go when we die, and all the lives that have lived before us coming to this point — and the shoulders of the people that we've existed on,” Orton said. “Silence represents death.”

Adam Orton: "Special thanks to Diana Nollen at The Gazette for this great article."

A personal invitation


[September 6, 2023] Adam Orton talks about:

  • his excitement for the September 20th advanced screening of IN THE SILENCE,
  • the film's evolution and recreation from first iteration, and
  • shares a personal invitation to attend the premiere event: get tickets, view the film, and meet the cast.

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